Gravity Forms 2.8.11

Download Gravity Forms 2.8.11 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms is the Easiest Tool to Create Advanced Forms
- Fixed an issue where some forms are broken due a missing gform variable caused by recent changes to the Dom_Parser class.
- Fixed a fatal error when a user submits a form with files attached to the Save & Continue notification.
- Fixed memory exhaustion and performance issues caused by the Dom_Parser class being loaded on every request.
- Fixed an issue with ajax-enabled multi-page forms with conditional logic, where fields that should be hidden by conditional logic are visible for a fraction of a second.
- Fixed an issue where the conditional logic settings for the Address Field are displayed with wrong values if the [`gform_countries`]( filter is used to change the country list to include country codes.
- API: Added the [`gformIsHidden`]( filter to allow developers to determine if a field is hidden by conditional logic. Credit: The GravityWiz Team.
- API: Added the [`gform_generic_map_field_choices`]( filter for options displayed in a Generic Field Map. Credit: The GravityWiz Team.